AGM Virtual Services

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Goals Processes  Aligenment 

Reaching success in the business world can be challenging, but having carefully crafted templates as a guide can prove invaluable. With reliable tools to navigate an ever-changing landscape, entrepreneurs are empowered and encouraged to strive for their dreams with confidence.

Here’s Whats Included In the VIP Pass

We brought together some amazing women to help support you in your journey. They will be sharing their insight on how to manage your day to day with some tips and  tools they use themselves in their business and with clients to create Work Life Harmony.

The Creating You Creating Her Summit will accelerate the power you have within you even when you feel like giving up.

Showing you how to refocus and execute the things that are necessary to build your buiness, team and create your legacy while serving others.

Our speakers will provide you tools to break down your mental roadblocks. Talk to you about implementing organizational skills and processes that you can integrate within your business to aid in your work life harmony.

Also, illustrating ways you can use your unique voice to get your message across to serve your ideal clients better to bring in more business.

Lifetime Access to Recordings

The Creating You Creating Her Summit has some amazing women sharing information to help you in creating work life harmony.

You will get life time access to all the recordings to listen to when ever you need inspiration and help. A $2300 Value.

Goal Planning Course

Creating your mission and goals can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Let me help you get started on your journey with my training course.

You will receive 5 training sessions through email once a week. The emails will walk you through a step by step process. A $1000 Value

Your Schedule Made Better

What Story Is Your Schedule Telling You?

At one glance your schedule should be telling you a wonderful story not a nightmare.

I will share two bonus videos to help you start or rewrite how you create balance in your day while still getting work done. A $200 Value.


Get Instant Access For Only $67

Powerful Women At The Table, Reveal How To Bridge the GAP in Your Business By Leveraging Your Genius, Tools & Those In Your Network.

“Women have an unique power of being able to look at the world’s problems and discover solutions that transform lives and make a world a better place.”

Ayanna Howard

About Angelica G Miller

Angelica G Miller is a Life Alignment Strategist helping women owned businesses in service-based industries strategize their goals, schedules and processes to create work life harmony through her Virtual Assistant & Online Business Manager services, coaching and training programs.

She has decades supporting top executives at a major Fortune 500 company. She’s watched, learned and executed the things they needed to keep them on time, organized, goal focused and profitable while also creating balance in their day.

Goals, Time Management